Custom DME Quiz 1 Custom DME Quiz Email* Name* First Last Practice Name*1. Which types of patients could benefit from a custom AFO?* a. Patients with instability (with or without an assistance device) b. Patients who shuffle their feet c. Patients with ankle deformity d. Patients whose ankles roll in e. All of the above 2. What is the most beneficial type of custom AFO to control patients who have gait instability?* a. Gauntlet style brace b. Sporty, low-profile brace c. Articulated, hinged brace d. Balance brace 3. When discussing the benefits of custom bracing with a patient, which of the following is important?* a. Utilizing staff to reinforce the benefits of custom braces b. Providing examples of other patients who have benefitted from similar devices c. Staying positive regarding the patient’s prognosis with compliance d. Presenting the patient’s options with confidence and allowing them to make an educated decision e. All of the above 4. What is the general “rule” when billing insurance for custom braces?* a. Always dispense the most expensive brace, as it will provide the best support. b. Bill insurance the day that the patient is casted c. Try a lower cost (pre-fabricated) brace prior to dispensing a custom brace and document the necessity for a custom device to follow d. Document that it is necessary to place the patient directly into a custom brace (even if the condition is moderate) e. None of the above 5. Which of the following needs to be documented when casting a qualifying patient?* a. Diagnosis and Medical Necessity b. Device most appropriate for the patient’s condition c. Therapeutic Objectives d. A, B, and C e. None of the above 6. Which of the following can be observed while calling a patient from the reception area back to the treatment room?* a. Difficulty in “get up and go” b. Shuffling feet c. Jerking motions when turning d. Inability to walk and talk e. All of the above 7. What is the name of the form used to categorize the instability of a patient?* a. Fall Prevention Form b. Imbalance Report c. Fall Risk Assessment d. Referral sheet for Physical Therapy e. Patient Stability Test 8. What is the major difference between dispensing custom AFOs and diabetic shoes?* a. No compliance paperwork is necessary for dispensing shoes b. Shoe dispensing requires the patient’s primary care physician to agree with the DPM’s diagnosis c. The DPM cannot act as the prescriber and supplier of custom braces d. Staff is not able to cast for or dispense custom braces e. The supplier standards are not required for custom braces 9. Which types of commonly seen ankle problems can be effectively treated with the use of a custom AFOs?* a. Patellar tendonitis b. Onychomycosis c. PT Tendon Dysfunction d. Frequent Ankle Sprains e. C and D f. A and D 10. When could it be appropriate to utilize a unilateral balance brace?* a. Plantar Fasciitis - recurrent b. Achilles tendonitis c. PT Tendon Dysfunction d. Flaccid Drop Foot e. Club Foot 11. When it comes to brace closure, which is the most beneficial?* d. Speed Laces with one Velcro strap b. Velcro/Lace combination a. Velcro c. Buttons e. Laces only 12. What is the most important element in the casting process?* b. To force the patient’s foot and ankle into a neutral position e. That the insurance company is billed upon casting d. That the doctor knows exactly which style of brace to order a. To achieve an accurate cast – as close to 90 degrees as possible c. The patient’s color preference 13. Which are therapeutic objectives for a patient that require a custom brace?* a. To improve gait c. To improve mobility d. To reduce fall risk e. To include physical therapy as part of a fall prevention program f. All of the above b. To reduce pain 14. Which of the following is used to protect the patient’s skin from the fiberglass casting sock?* a. Stockinette b. Coban/Coflex c. Plastic bag d. Tin foil e. Pre-Tape 15. For the standard Arizona (or gauntlet style) brace, which is appropriate to bill?* c. L1971 a. L1970, L2330 e. L1940 for the day of casting, followed by L2330 and L2820 upon dispensing d. L4631 b. L1940, L2330, L2820 16. Which forms are required upon dispensing custom AFOs?* a. Medical Necessity b. Therapeutic Objectives c. Patient Receipt d. Supplier Standards e. C and D 17. How should you best prepare your patients for adjustment to their custom brace?* a. Ask them to bring several different pairs of shoes when they receive the brace b. Reiterate the importance of a slow break in period c. Set realistic expectations of how long they will need to adjust d. Remind them that the brace serves to correct biomechanical deformities and may not feel natural at first e. All of the above CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Back to the lesson Go to Team Trainings