Good news on a Monday morning from CMS
For those of you who have been attending my “Coping with COVID-19” Monday night webinars you understood that when billing for phone call (audio only) Telehealth Services, you were to use 99441, 99442, or 99443 (POS 02 and no modifier) depending on the amount of time/decision making involved in the call. We discussed that for Medicare it was also acceptable to use G2012 (instead of the 9944.. codes) for telephone communications, however reimbursement was much lower (so why use it?).
For those who took that advice, you are in luck! On April 30th CMS decided to boost the payment rate for telephone visits to match those for similar office and outpatient care. What’s better. . . the increase is retroactive to March 1st!
The new rule increases payments for audio-only telephone consultations from $14-$41 to between $46-$110. Link below as well as an abbreviated spreadsheet showing the 3 codes discussed above).