Charging New Patient Reservation Fees

Recently, I have received numerous emails asking about charging new patients a “reservation” fee due to a higher number of no-shows and late cancelations.  While I have always recommended having a strict cancelation policy for established patients (requiring the average practice copay as a no-show fee), I have had mixed feelings about charging new patients to reserve a spot on the schedule. That being said, if your practice struggles with a high no-show rate (especially with new patients) you have to take action of some sort.
  1. Take a look at how long new patients are waiting to be seen. This is often the reason that new patients don’t show (they found another DPM who could see them sooner, the problem resolved or does not seem as pressing weeks later).
  2. Schedule them as soon as possible and make them see the value of your accommodation, practice reputation and quality of care.

Keep in mind that you do risk losing new patients who do not feel comfortable paying to hold their appointment and you must have their permission to charge the credit card and keep it securely on file. With so many options to have patients electronically complete intake forms, read and sign financial policies, consent for treatment and more, this should not be an issue (if it is, you need a new website company and merchant service provider).

I found the following 2022 online notice from a Neurology practice in Connecticut and thought you might find it helpful if you are considering implementing a new patient reservation fee. I like the way they word the explanation.

Here is the link and the actual notice is below:

Please note that in the PEP library I have examples of financial policies (including no-show fees for appointments, procedures and surgeries) as well as credit card on file and FAQ forms.


“Neurological Specialists (NSPC) is implementing a new appointment reservation fee policy starting February 1, 2022. Moving forward, clients booking a first-time appointment will be charged a $50 charge to reserve their appointment. When clients show up for their appointment, the fee will be applied as credit for a copay or deductible, or if there is no balance, refunded or used for future credit.”

Why am I being charged a $50 reservation fee for a new appointment?

Over the last number of years, no-show rates have been increasing. When a client does not show up for an appointment or cancel their appointment in advance, it impedes our ability to provide expeditious appointments to other patients that have an urgent need for one and increases waiting times for everyone. Therefore, starting this year, clients booking a first-time appointment will be charged a $50 charge to reserve their appointment.

What happens if I must cancel my appointment?

Clients canceling their appointment up to 4pm the day prior to the scheduled appointment could reschedule at no extra cost and apply the reserve fee towards their next copay and deductible, or otherwise, if choose not to rebook could get a refund. For Monday appointments the cancelation must be called in by Friday 4pm to avoid fees.

What happens if I have a true emergency?

We will refund clients that did not show up either due to a true medical emergency to themselves or a close one. To obtain the refund please bring a written proof from a health practitioner or facility to attest to the emergency. When inclement weather dictates office closure, patients will be rescheduled or refunded their fee. COVID+ status will also be allowed to reschedule/refund. Other emergencies such as car breakdown would be considered on a case-by-case basis (and would require written proof)
Did you know? If you are affected by COVID, there is no need to cancel your appointment, as we could convert you to telemedicine.

Does this apply to follow up visits?

No. At the moment we are not charging to reserve a follow-up. However, we will continue to apply a $50 no-show fee, that will be collected in the case that a patient does not cancel an appointment by 4pm the day prior to their appoint for follow-ups.

What happens if I am late?

We will do our best to accommodate you although that is not always possible if you show up too late. An adult’s new appointment is 40 minutes and a Pediatric 60 minutes. If you show up after your appointment time a $50 fee will be applied.

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