Small Schedule Modifications that Have Big Impacts

First and foremost, Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed some time off after completing your December “to do” list (if you missed any, go back and search your email for weekly Pro Tips) and are ready to take a fresh approach in the new year, improving efficiency, production and peace of mind.
This week I ask that you look at your current clinic schedule and determine if it is working for you. Are there certain days or blocks of time that the schedule seems utterly chaotic or worse, slow, causing staff to become lackadaisical? Are there days when your stress level is elevated because of outside obligations like kids’ sporting events that you don’t want to miss (but know you may if you fall behind with patients)? What if you wanted to coach your daughter’s basketball team? How could you make that happen?
If time and experience working with podiatrists has taught me anything it would be that they are in general WAY TOO accommodating to their patients. Think about your own experience as a patient. If you need to see a specialist, how many appointment options are you offered? Have you ever made an appointment with a dermatologist and been asked “What works for your schedule?” Ummmm. NO. You (the patient) figure out a way to work your schedule around when the doctor can see you. Keep this in mind when analyzing your clinic schedule. If you need to leave the office by 4:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, then schedule your last appointment at 3:00.
If your schedule is clogged with Routine Foot Care throughout the week (limiting your ability to treat patients with more pressing/lucrative issues in a timely manner), consider “funneling” (creating specified blocks of time for similar appointment types). For example, block Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings from 7:30 – 9:30 for routine foot care. This may seem early, but think about it. .  . These patients are up early and many of them don’t need to get to work. This also allows you to see a full day of patients and leave by 4:00 (as discussed above).
The same can be done if you have certain types of patients with a high no show rate. If you are keeping close track and statistically have a 50% no show rate for Medicaid patients, double or triple book them during blocked times each week.
Stay tuned for next week’s Pro Tip when we discuss more ways to see more New Patients sooner and the importance and benefits of carving out administrative time during “business hours.”

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