Does Your Practice Have Misfit Toys?

As many avid Christmas movie fans may recall, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer introduced us to the beloved Island of Misfit Toys (fun fact, this was released in 1964 making it 61 this year!). You remember Charlie in the Box and Hermy the Dentist, don’t you? These poor toys were cast aside and forgotten. Never to be played with as toys are meant to be. . .

Even if you don’t have any idea what I am talking about, let me ask a few more questions. . .

  • What ancillary products and services do you offer in your practice? 
  • Are your products displayed where patients, doctors and staff see them throughout the day?
  • Is educational material readily available in each treatment room about your RSWT, laser, Swift, etc.? How about your website?
  • If I were a patient searching for state of the art treatment for my chronic heel pain, would I know immediately from the home page that you proudly offered “Pulse Wave Therapy” or custom orthotics or laser or all three? 

Doctors get excited after purchasing a shiny new piece of equipment or finding a higher quality alternative, medical grade product and stocking up. For the first couple of months they talk it up to patients and dispense like crazy, but then, the excitement wears off and that shiny new machine becomes a used car sitting in the break room while cases of product collect dust in a supply closet. It happens in every practice unless you display products and educational materials (remember, out of sight out of mind), keep your website up to date (periodically updating photos and videos that highlight what you have to offer) and include staff in ancillary programs (educating them on how products and services work, why they are not covered by insurance, their efficacy, etc.).

Oh yeah, and you also have to reward your staff for playing a role in reaching monthly goals (of which you need to have if you don’t already). Give them a cash bonus like a VISA gift card and watch as “sales” increase month over month.

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