Treatment Protocol Training

Assuming that all of your condition specific treatment protocols are formally recorded, when was the last time you reviewed, edited or updated them?

If it has been a while, there’s a chance your current recommendations for ancillary products and services aren’t all included and an even better chance that a majority of your staff members have never seen them (or don’t know they exist). Think about it. When was the last time you scheduled an in-service or training session with your team?

Now that I have you thinking. . .

Start with a few of your top conditions and make sure each protocol includes ALL your available treatment options.

  • If you offer medical grade orthotics (I recommend Footsteps as they are a superior product and include your practice logo on the inserts and the box. Please stop offering products that patients can buy cheaper online.)
  • XtremeRx CBD (my choice for highly effective pain and inflammation relief in balm and spray form) 
  • and the EnPuls Pro RSWT (it’s the best), make sure they are all included in your recommendations for plantar fasciitis visit one.  

Now pick a day and extend your lunch by 15 minutes (end morning patients 15 minutes early or block off an extra 15 minutes after the lunch break) 

  • Schedule an actual training session where you break down your protocols from description of condition to evaluation and dispensing options/care plan.
  • Make sure to send the phones to voicemail and order in lunch so everyone can focus and stay engaged. Do this at least quarterly as there is always something for staff members to learn and always practice improvements to make! 

If you need help developing treatment protocols there are lots to choose from in the Pinnacle resource library and if you would like me to lead a training session that can be easily arranged. 



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