Published Communications
COVID-19 Office Precautions & Suggestions
The following precautions and suggestions can be taken or modified to fit the needs of your practice, staff, and patients. As this pandemic causes constant societal and economic changes, please use your best judgment in re-adjusting your own plan as needed. Keep reminding your patients that you are available to treat in the office for…
COVID-19: Informed Practices
Yesterday you received an important CMS update allowing podiatrists to provide Telehealth services to Medicare part B patients, using standard E/M coding with Place of Service 02. Today it was relayed that Medicare Advantage plans are now included in this ruling. Private carriers may adhere to the alternative Telehealth service and coding options or even…
CMS Announcement 3/17/20 with BETTER Option for Non Face-to-Face Services
On March 17th, CMS announced a third option for providing remote services that is much better than the two options I sent to you earlier in the week. Those two options still exist and are unrelated to this new third option (for Medicare Part B Patients only). Keep reading…
COVID-19 & Non Face-to-Face Services
In the midst of what has become the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been receiving lots of calls, texts and emails about practicing, coding and documenting for what was formerly referred to as “Telemedicine.” Luckily, I was able to connect with my long time friend and colleague Dr. Jeffrey Lehrman (who just so happens to be…
Paying You is NOT a Priority
It is a proven fact that patients have priorities when it comes to paying their bills. Come on, you know you do it too. When I get a bill from my dentist, I’m not always in a rush to send payment (maybe he should park his shiny new Porsche behind the building). Priority order of…
Controlling Receivables in Today’s Podiatric Practice
No matter how long you have been in practice, the trends and points discussed here will pertain to you. Please keep in mind that this article was not composed as a negative rant about the state of healthcare, but instead as a reminder that private practice growth and success is still possible in today’s changing…