Published Communications

Charging New Patient Reservation Fees

Recently, I have received numerous emails asking about charging new patients a “reservation” fee due to a higher number of no-shows and late cancelations.  While I have always recommended having a strict cancelation policy for established patients (requiring the average practice copay as a no-show fee), I have had mixed feelings about charging new patients…

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Potential Issue for EHR Claims Submissions

It has come to my attention that practices utilizing Practice EHR are experiencing or will be experiencing cash flow issues. Since November 8th claims have not been batching out (as they may be stuck in the software, Clearinghouse or both). Practice EHR is aware of this issue and claims that it is a priority, yet…

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Still Waiting for Your ERC?

Everyone seems to be waiting (I would love to hear otherwise so share if your wait is over and stop reading now). Here are some reasons/excuses why: On September 15, 2023, the IRS announced a temporary halt on processing new ERC claims until after the end of the year (we know that will be extended)…

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Friday Philosophy – “I’d Rather be Kind than Nice”

I recently heard someone describe me as kind, not nice. At first, I was insulted. I know I have a tendency not to sugar coat and am not known for holding my tongue, but that’s what makes me good at efficient problem solving (professionally and personally). I may not be everyone’s cup of tea but…

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Friday Philosophy – “It’s Better To Be Decisive Than Right”

“Do or do not. There is no try” ~ Yoda One of my biggest pet peeves is indecisiveness and as I get older, I find myself going to great lengths to avoid individuals who simply cannot make up their mind. In my opinion, going out for dinner should be an enjoyable experience, not a logistical…

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Friday Philosophy 2 – “24 Hours is 24 Hours”

It has been a busy week improving practice efficiencies, creating content for the next staff training webinar, taking care of Gemma after her cancer surgery (she is recovering nicely and thank you to those who sent well wishes), and doing some interesting streaming. Check out “Beef” on Netflix starring Steven Yeun, Glenn from The Walking…

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