Paying You is NOT a Priority

It is a proven fact that patients have priorities when it comes to paying their bills. Come on, you know you do it too. When I get a bill from my dentist, I’m not always in a rush to send payment (maybe he should park his shiny new Porsche behind the building). Priority order of…

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Controlling Receivables in Today’s Podiatric Practice

credit card usage

No matter how long you have been in practice, the trends and points discussed here will pertain to you. Please keep in mind that this article was not composed as a negative rant about the state of healthcare, but instead as a reminder that private practice growth and success is still possible in today’s changing…

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Practice BFF & Controlling Receivables

Your Biller / Your Practice BFF Your biller or Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) company should be trusted and valued in the same way as a BFF (Best Friend Forever) as RCM is the lifeblood of your practice. Here are some points to consider: If your biller or RCM company is not performing well or worse,…

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Are you AND your practice protected?

As a podiatry specific practice management consultant, I receive lots of questions and requests for assistance on subjects that are as they say, “in my wheelhouse.” Recently, however I received an email from a physician/practice owner that was not. The physician wanted to know if she needed to have malpractice for both herself and the…

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Delegating “Vacuum Tasks”

Physicians often find themselves bogged down with daily chores that interfere with the efficiencies and productivity of their practices and their overall well-being. These could be anything from completing chart notes and searching for outside testing or lab results to keeping track of inventory and ordering of supplies in the office. On a recent webinar…

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Cherry Picking

Don’t allow patients to “cherry pick” Most of our patients fall into two columns. The first we will title “head in the sand.” You know the type. They present as new patients or as existing ones with a new insurance card. On their initial visit as well as the first time they are seen each…

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New Patient Coordinator: Part 2

Based on the questions posed in Part I of our NPC e-blast and your responses, you are most likely realizing that improved methods of triaging, scheduling, registering, evaluating and maintaining contact with new patients and their referring providers need to be implemented in your practice.  As a podiatric consultant, I am continually searching for ways to improve patient care, increase…

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New Patient Coordinator: Part 1

Could incorporating a NPC improve efficiency in your practice? First, take a look at your current situation. How much (what) information is being collected upon new patient appointment scheduling? Are we capturing the true “reason for visit” or multiple complaints? Are we using this information to check eligibility and benefit (E&B) information? Are we communicating…

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The hard truth… Take a close look at how you are utilizing your clinic time and analyzing if current staffing levels are appropriate. Today’s efficient practice focuses just as much preparation prior to patient visits as they do on patient care. If you feel that you are the only qualified person in the office to…

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Screen Time and Being Present

Being a gift

Have you ever considered purchasing a new vehicle and suddenly you see that exact model everywhere you drive? It’s so weird, isn’t it? Lately I have been experiencing this type of phenomenon as it relates to screen time and its effects on personal and professional relationships. Ironically, in every instance of being moved by these…

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