Published Communications

Two Column Scheduling Works

Many podiatrists have heard me speak ad nauseum about the art of scheduling and my great regard for the two-column appointment calendar. This involves one column for established patients/follow up appointments and a second for new patients, scheduled in either 30 or 45-minute increments (think back to my theory about appropriate allotment of time for…

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Friday Philosophy-“Cross Your Arms The Other Way”

Many individuals (and in my experience, most physicians) fear change in the same way that those of us who grew up in the 70s, 80s and even the early 90s feared horror movies. You know what I’m talking about. When they were filled with terrible (although we didn’t know they were terrible) special effects, unpredictable…

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In 2024

Twenty plus years ago when I began working in the field of Podiatry (yikes that makes me feel old), the climate of private practice and healthcare in general was very different than today. It was not uncommon for podiatrists to treat patients in multiple locations (whether they were solo or had multi-physician practices) and their…

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Money Doesn’t Always Motivate

I recently received a message from a long-term client/practice owner thanking me (she actually called me a genius in the text, but I won’t let that go to my head)…The first was for helping her and her partners to achieve higher new patient numbers and a new record for cash product “sales” (although as you…

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Are Cash-Only Practices the Way of the Future?

In recent years, the concept of cash-only practices has intrigued more physicians than ever before (well not EVER before, as most of us can recall our grandparents’ stories of kitchen table procedures when the family doctor made house calls). Turning this concept to reality however takes some serious consideration. Here are some to get you…

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Getting Notes done with Accuracy and Efficiency

Many of my practices have been using scribes (virtually or in person with a multitude of methods) for years with great success. Well, let me clarify…Those that took the time to clean up blueprints, templates, macros, care plans, orders, etc. in their EHR and then actually training the scribe rather than throwing them to the…

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