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New Patient Coordinator: Part 2

Based on the questions posed in Part I of our NPC e-blast and your responses, you are most likely realizing that improved methods of triaging, scheduling, registering, evaluating and maintaining contact with new patients and their referring providers need to be implemented in your practice.  As a podiatric consultant, I am continually searching for ways to improve patient care, increase…

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New Patient Coordinator: Part 1

Could incorporating a NPC improve efficiency in your practice? First, take a look at your current situation. How much (what) information is being collected upon new patient appointment scheduling? Are we capturing the true “reason for visit” or multiple complaints? Are we using this information to check eligibility and benefit (E&B) information? Are we communicating…

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The hard truth… Take a close look at how you are utilizing your clinic time and analyzing if current staffing levels are appropriate. Today’s efficient practice focuses just as much preparation prior to patient visits as they do on patient care. If you feel that you are the only qualified person in the office to…

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Screen Time and Being Present

Have you ever considered purchasing a new vehicle and suddenly you see that exact model everywhere you drive? It’s so weird, isn’t it? Lately I have been experiencing this type of phenomenon as it relates to screen time and its effects on personal and professional relationships. Ironically, in every instance of being moved by these…

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Puppies are Cuter when they Don’t “Go” in the House

Puppies are Cuter when They Don’t “Go” in the House (Keep reading, there is a relevant lesson to be learned) Cindy Pezza, PMAC President/CEO Pinnacle Practice Achievement Last fall my family and I took a trip to the local ASPCA to donate some old blankets and ended up in the dog room so the kids…

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You Get What you Give

Practicing Medicine is not what it used to be. For those in practice longer than 10 years, you know what I’m talking about. For those about to embark upon your career as a podiatric physician and surgeon, you’ve heard the “when I started my practice 25 years ago (I had to walk up hill both…

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The View from 30,000’ May not be as it Seems

Many office managers and practice administrators find themselves in a difficult position. Overseeing staff members while keeping physicians on track can be challenging to say the least. Many days it can feel as if you are looking from 30,000’ and trying to enjoy the view, only to find that your plane is going down! In…

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Patient Compliance and Profitability

Every day in our offices, patients present with a variety of ailments and conditions. As Podiatric professionals we are trained to quickly recognize, diagnose and treat these conditions in a way that sets us apart from other fields of medicine. I remember early on in my career, I overheard a patient ask Dr. Aronson, “Why…

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Are You Really Ready For An Associate In Your Practice?

So, your practice is growing in leaps and bounds and you are finding it more and more difficult to keep up without spending 15 hours a day in the office. In addition, the “umpteen” hours of overtime you are dishing out every pay period is beginning to make any additional revenue vanish before your tired…

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Diabetic Care and Prevention

We are all aware of the alarming rate at which Diabetes is increasing in our country. Everyday, as we encounter new patients and continue to care for existing ones, we are faced with the realities of this powerful disease. As medical professionals, we diagnose problems and use our Podiatric knowledge to resolve them. However, what…

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