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Second Stimulus Package
Putting in long hours over the weekend and into the Monday of Christmas week, leaders in the House and Senate finally reached an agreement on another pandemic relief bill package. This time to the tune of $900 Billion (the second largest federal stimulus package after the $2 Trillion CARES Act passed in March). President Trump…
E/M Coding Changes for 2021 are Almost Here
What’s your plan? For more than a year now and especially over the last few months we have been learning about the significant changes to Evaluation and Management (E/M) services set to begin on January 1, 2021. The American Medical Association (AMA), American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), and an abundance of other medical resource organizations…
To Bonus or Not to Bonus?
Over the weekend I received the first of what is shaping up to be many inquiries regarding the same subject, holiday bonuses. After sending a group text to obtain perspective from his colleagues that read; Anyone have any thoughts about holiday gifts/bonuses for staff this year? 1. Same as usual 2. More than usual 3.…
COVID Infection & Exposure Flow Chart
Almost daily I receive calls and emails about a patient who we find out has tested positive after being treated in the office and exposed, and/or potentially exposed employees. Doctors and managers are asking how they should handle these situations (how many days the employee should be out of work, if they are responsible for…
Keep up your efforts to limit patient contact
In case you are having trouble maintaining patient social distancing in your office (in common areas such as the waiting room) please feel free to use the below linked document and edit to fit your needs. If you are billing 99072 you should document your exact COVID protocols (clearly demonstrating the time, efforts and expenses…
Continuing Efforts to Keep Patients, Doctors and Staff Members Safe
To follow up on the recent communications regarding the use of 99072, I wanted to share some more helpful information and another example of documentation that needs to be included in your chart notes. Create your own “care plan” when billing 99072, by recording all the efforts being made (above and beyond pre-COVID clinic protocols)…
99072 Requires Documentation
Following my recent emails regarding CPT code 99072 it has become apparent that many practices have become lax in their COVID-19 screening, visit and follow-up protocols. As more and more physicians are utilizing this code, and starting to see varying reimbursement from private payers, it is imperative to re-establish protocols and to document the actions…
In case you were wondering about 99072
I’ve seen it posted as a question on podiatry Facebook pages and have received emails from my practices asking about 99072 (Are others using it? What are they entering for a charge and is anyone getting paid?).When I need answers to questions like these, I turn to the experts. . . Here is the response…
Does your TEAM need a little “pick me up?”
Let’s face it. 2020 has been a year! Many practices have seen weeks or even months of low and nearly no volume followed by playing catch up with patients who are long overdue for care (all while implementing new waiting room protocols, sanitizing like never before and enforcing strict PPE requirements). Some had no choice…
Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding
In case you missed the e-blast from earlier this week discussing Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding under the leadership of President Trump and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), here is some general information to clarify eligibility and the application process (as they relate to you as podiatric physicians and surgeons): Eligibility…