SBA PPP Loan Information – Last update 4/10/20 7pm
Every day, every hour, we are getting new information regarding the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securty (CARES) Act and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan program. Update 4/10/20 7:00pm Take a breath! Click here for the email blast Update 4/10/20 Good news on Good Friday! Click here for the email blast Update 4/9/20 late…
Read MoreDoes Your Practice Have Misfit Toys?
As many avid Christmas movie fans may recall, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer introduced us to the beloved Island of Misfit Toys (fun fact, this was released in 1964 making it 61 this year!). You remember Charlie in the Box and Hermy the Dentist, don’t you? These poor toys were cast aside and forgotten. Never to be…
Read MoreNational Compliment Day
Friday, January 24th was National Compliment Day, which. . . wasn’t a real holiday, but a good excuse to say something nice to someone. In case you missed it, why not celebrate today, or make a point to incorporate more compliments into your practice and your personal life daily? Think about your team. The staff of individuals who support you…
Read MoreThe Power of an Hour
We are now in the third week of January which means 2025 is in full swing and there are no more holiday excuses allowed. . . well, other than today, Martin Luther King Day. If you are closed in observance of this great civil rights leader’s accomplishments and birthday (he would have been 96 on January 15th), I’ll give…
Read MoreOnly Compare Your Own Apples
I speak with doctors everyday who are concerned about the health of their practices. Sickeningly low reimbursement, increasing overhead costs, staff turnover, and heightened pressure on physicians to do more for less make every passing year feel a little more difficult to get ahead. Although it may seem this way, I want to make something clear. It…
Read MoreSmall Schedule Modifications that Have Big Impacts
First and foremost, Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed some time off after completing your December “to do” list (if you missed any, go back and search your email for weekly Pro Tips) and are ready to take a fresh approach in the new year, improving efficiency, production and peace of mind. This week I…
Read MoreSticking to the Rules and Extended Reporting Deadline
1. Make 2025 the year you stick to the rules (yours and CMS’). Start with Routine Foot Care (feel free to search the resource library for “Notice to Patients Regarding Routine Foot Care’ and ‘Surgical Scheduling Policy’). Next move onto your Financial Policies. Last week we sent one example and below is another involving deposits…
Read MoreTake Out the Trash Before Christmas Break
With Christmas Eve on Tuesday and Christmas and the first night of Chanukah on Wednesday, this week may be a short one for you and your staff. With that in mind, I’ll keep this week’s “to do” simple. . . Clean out the fridge: Throw away the leftover takeout box that’s been in there since…
Read MoreGet Your Act Together
As we approach the end of another year, let’s check some “to dos” off the list that we may have been putting off. These aren’t difficult or overly time consuming. Just one more thing to add to the busy calendar of the holiday season. But first. . . Can we address the actual calendar? No,…
Read MoreLowering Rejection Rates
Keeping rejection rates as low as possible is important (5% or less; I used to say 3%, but payers often reject for no reason banking on the fact that you are too busy to follow up) The #1 reason for rejection continues to be SIMPLE HUMAN ERROR so train your staff to be diligent in…
Read MoreDeep Dive into Receivables
If you haven’t done so already, employ the help of your biller, billing company or a seasoned administrative staff member to clean up both insurance and patient aging. Start with insurance aging to ensure patient balances are correct before attempting to collect one last time this year. Begin by running two separate reports. In both…
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