Published Communications
Webinar Presentation 6/1/20 with Bottleneck Medical
On June 1, 2020, Cindy Pezza hosted an open forum webinar for her email subscribers to discuss solutions and idea-sharing for the current crisis we are facing as an industry. Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for week 12 of “Coping with COVID-19.” I was overwhelmed with positive chat messages, emails and…
Good News, but is it too late?
Yesterday (5/28/20), The House passed a bill designed to provide more flexibility on how PPP funds can be spent in order to receive forgiveness. The chamber approved the legislation in a nearly unanimous 417-1 vote. The Senate put forward a plan similar to the House bill but has not yet passed it. Senators will convene…
Updated OSHA Requirements for COVID-19
OSHA has distributed a new poster that needs to be reviewed with your team AND displayed in an area where all employees can frequently review it (ex: breakroom, near regular OSHA poster). Click here to view, download and print your new poster. Please hang it up right away! You should review the following items with your team…
Webinar Presentation 5/26/20
On May 26, 2020, Cindy Pezza hosted an open forum webinar for her email subscribers to discuss solutions and idea-sharing for the current crisis we are facing as an industry. << You can view the PowerPoint presentation here >> A recording of this webinar, and all previous webinars, is available to our PEP members in…
It’s better than not having that 2%
Effective May 1st, Section 3709 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act temporarily suspends the 2% payment adjustment currently applied to all Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) claims due to sequestration. The suspension is effective for claims with dates of service from May 1 through December 31, 2020. << Click here for more information…
Hope for a PPP Loan Forgiveness Extension
Yesterday (May 20th), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) told Fox News that he believes there is enough support in Congress to extend the eight-week period that Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients have to use the money. Needless to say, this would be a big deal for businesses that may otherwise fail to bounce back before the…